Регистрация доменов


AM TLD Policy
By registration of your domain name on the Internet, the registrar, AM Hostmaster, and Armenia Network
Information Center, are accepting  in good faith that you have the right to use such name. We will 
revoke  if it is proved that the domain is being used to spam and/or  otherwise used for any 
illegal or inappropriate purposes. In this case, registration fee will not be refunded. Applications 
for "too generic" domain names may be refused. Widely known trademarks or names may be registered by 
their owners only . A domain name known to AM NIC as a local brand name can be  registered only by 
the owner of the brand name. domain names considered by the Registry as having national value and 
included in the reservation list can be provided only by a decision of the Council of ISOC AM. 
The check of a domain name against matching to well-known  trademark names will not be performed 
anymore after April 2, 2007 at 12:00 AMST (7:00 GMT).

Our function in registering names on the Internet is to assure that the name does not conflict with
any other name in the name space requested. Geographical names, country names and two/three-letter
country codes (ISO 3166 Country Codes), widely known acronyms and abbreviations, generic terms normally
may not be registered as a domain name; however, in certain circumstances, when the registrant
provides  adequate documentary evidence that he/she has a right to the domain name in question, AM 
ostmaster may, at his discretion register such domain name. However, the AM NIC reserves the right
to revoke the registered domain name if it is proved that the provided information / documents are not 
true, truthful,  and complete. Two and three letter country codes under .am will be released for  
registration by resident registrants on April 2, 2007 at 12:00 AMST (7:00 GMT) and two weeks later, on
April 16, 2007 at 12:00 AMST (7:00 GMT) they will be released for registration by any registrant.

The user by your registration and use of the name and/or your continued use of an existing name,
agrees, as part of your request for name registration, to indemnify and hold harmless from any and all 
costs, fees , expenses arising from litigation involving trademark, trade name, service mark, and any
other name infringements, or other reasons, the registrar and the Armenia Network Information Center. 
The party requesting registration of this name certifies that to her/his  knowledge, the use of this 
name  does not violate trademark or other statutes. 

Registering a domain name does not confer any legal rights to that
name and any disputes between parties over the rights to use a
particular  name are to be settled between the contending parties using
normal legal methods. 

A registrant who applied online for several domain names but failed to 
pay for them is deprived the rights of online registration and can do
that only by signing a contract with a Registrar.

The content(s) of any Web site(s) or page(s), or any other system 
used for distribution of information,including but not limited to the 
textual, audio, video, still images, computer programs, etc. should not
violate the laws of the Republic of Armenia or applicable international
treaties or conventions. 

The exclusive place of jurisdiction is the city of Yerevan, Republic of 
Armenia. At all times the provision o f all services shall be subject to
the laws of Armenia and applicable international treaties. The party 
requesting registration of this name certifies that such registered 
domain will not be used for any illegal
or unethical purpose under any circumstances in any country. Should
the party requesting registration or the de jure or de facto owner or
operator of domain use the domain for any illegal purposes stated 
above the Registrar reserves the right to suspend and/or revoke 
the registration. 

Fees:   USD 50 per year for non-residents, AMD 13,200 per year
for residents (VAT included). From one
up to five years fee can be paid in advance. 

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